Lost Planet 3 from Capcom for the Sony PS3 introduces Jim Peyton, a Utility Rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N. III.
Working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC), Jim is one of a select few pioneers at the Coronis base surveying the uncharted terrain and obtaining samples of the planet's natural energy source - Thermal Energy, which NEVEC believes will save Earth's energy crisis.
- Explore the frigid planet E.D.N. III looking for thermal energy and battling the massive, insect-like Akrid.
- Engage in classic third-person shooting or climb into a massive utility rig for first-person action.
- Join friends for four different co-op and competitive multiplayer modes.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
Lost Planet 3 from Capcom for the Sony PS3 introduces Jim Peyton, a Utility Rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N. III.
Working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC), Jim is one of a select few pioneers at the Coronis base surveying the uncharted terrain and obtaining samples of the planet's natural energy source - Thermal Energy, which NEVEC believes will save Earth's energy crisis.
- Explore the frigid planet E.D.N. III looking for thermal energy and battling the massive, insect-like Akrid.
- Engage in classic third-person shooting or climb into a massive utility rig for first-person action.
- Join friends for four different co-op and competitive multiplayer modes.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)