Relive the story of Goku in the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set from Bandai Namco for the Nintendo Switch!
Experience the story of Dragon Ball Z from epic events to light-hearted side quests, including never-before-seen story moments that answer some burning questions of Dragon Ball lore for the first time!
Play through iconic Dragon Ball Z battles on a scale unlike any other. Fight across vast battlefields with destructible environments and experience epic boss battles against the most iconic foes (Raditz, Frieza, Cell etc...). Increase your power level through RPG mechanics and rise to the challenge!
Don't just fight as Z Fighters. Live like them! Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the Dragon Ball Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters.
Go beyond the history of Dragon Ball Z and experience 2 additional boss battles, with the New Power Awakens set! Master the power of the gods to challenge Lord Beerus and go even beyond to fight Golden Frieza with the power of Super Saiyan Blue!
- Includes “A New Power Awakens Set" - Includes “A New Power Awakens Set” which contains New Power Awakens Part 1 and New Power Awakens Part 2 DLCs!
- Experience the Story - Experience the story of Dragon Ball Z from epic events to light-hearted side quests, including never-before-seen story moments that answer some burning questions of Dragon Ball lore for the first time!
- Don't Just Fight As Goku - Don’t just fight as Goku. Live as Goku. Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the DRAGON BALL Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters.
- Iconic Dragon Ball Z - Play through iconic Dragon Ball Z battles on a scale unlike any other. Fight across vast battlefields with destructible environments and experience epic boss battles that will test the limits of your combat abilities. Increase your power level and rise to the challenge!
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set [Nintendo Switch]
Relive the story of Goku in the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot + A New Power Awakens Set from Bandai Namco for the Nintendo Switch!
Experience the story of Dragon Ball Z from epic events to light-hearted side quests, including never-before-seen story moments that answer some burning questions of Dragon Ball lore for the first time!
Play through iconic Dragon Ball Z battles on a scale unlike any other. Fight across vast battlefields with destructible environments and experience epic boss battles against the most iconic foes (Raditz, Frieza, Cell etc...). Increase your power level through RPG mechanics and rise to the challenge!
Don't just fight as Z Fighters. Live like them! Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the Dragon Ball Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters.
Go beyond the history of Dragon Ball Z and experience 2 additional boss battles, with the New Power Awakens set! Master the power of the gods to challenge Lord Beerus and go even beyond to fight Golden Frieza with the power of Super Saiyan Blue!
- Includes “A New Power Awakens Set" - Includes “A New Power Awakens Set” which contains New Power Awakens Part 1 and New Power Awakens Part 2 DLCs!
- Experience the Story - Experience the story of Dragon Ball Z from epic events to light-hearted side quests, including never-before-seen story moments that answer some burning questions of Dragon Ball lore for the first time!
- Don't Just Fight As Goku - Don’t just fight as Goku. Live as Goku. Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the DRAGON BALL Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters.
- Iconic Dragon Ball Z - Play through iconic Dragon Ball Z battles on a scale unlike any other. Fight across vast battlefields with destructible environments and experience epic boss battles that will test the limits of your combat abilities. Increase your power level and rise to the challenge!
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)