Introducing Frosthaven: Challenge Coin, embark on the chilling saga of Frosthaven, a remote outpost besieged by nature's wrath and enigmatic adversaries. As a group of mercenaries, teetering on the edge of despair, endeavors to salvage the settlement, they confront treacherous elements and emerging threats.
Frosthaven offers a standalone adventure featuring sixteen new characters, three unique races, over twenty enemies, and a sprawling 100-scenario campaign. Seamlessly integrate characters and items between Gloomhaven and Frosthaven for an interconnected gameplay experience.
Beyond combat, Frosthaven introduces a robust crafting system, necessitating resource management and village expansion. The 38mm metal coin with colored enamel highlights captures Frosthaven's essence.
Unveil mysteries, forge alliances, and brave the unknown in Frosthaven's dynamic narrative!
Experience Frosthaven's challenges with the exclusive Challenge Coin!
- 38mm metal coin with colored enamel highlights.
- Elements symbology and coloring from Frosthaven.
- Captures the essence of the game's narrative and atmosphere.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
Frosthaven: Challenge Coin [Board Game Accessory, 1 - 4 Players]
Introducing Frosthaven: Challenge Coin, embark on the chilling saga of Frosthaven, a remote outpost besieged by nature's wrath and enigmatic adversaries. As a group of mercenaries, teetering on the edge of despair, endeavors to salvage the settlement, they confront treacherous elements and emerging threats.
Frosthaven offers a standalone adventure featuring sixteen new characters, three unique races, over twenty enemies, and a sprawling 100-scenario campaign. Seamlessly integrate characters and items between Gloomhaven and Frosthaven for an interconnected gameplay experience.
Beyond combat, Frosthaven introduces a robust crafting system, necessitating resource management and village expansion. The 38mm metal coin with colored enamel highlights captures Frosthaven's essence.
Unveil mysteries, forge alliances, and brave the unknown in Frosthaven's dynamic narrative!
Experience Frosthaven's challenges with the exclusive Challenge Coin!
- 38mm metal coin with colored enamel highlights.
- Elements symbology and coloring from Frosthaven.
- Captures the essence of the game's narrative and atmosphere.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)