In the sleepy border town of Rigbarth, mysterious events are unfolding, affecting the runes that govern the balance between humanity and nature in Rune Factory 5 - Earthmate Edition from XSEED Games for the Nintendo Switch.
Earthmate Edition includes: a custom outer box featuring artwork from series illustrator Minako Iwasaki, the Rune Factory 5 Nintendo Switch game card in an exclusive SteelBook case, a large 5.8” by 8.2” 70+ page softcover artbook, ‘Melodies of Norad’ soundtrack CD featuring 15 songs specially selected from across the entire Rune Factory series and 13 exclusive in-game costumes based on the marriage candidates (+ Dolce’s ghostly companion Pico) from Rune Factory 4!
As the newest ranger for the peacekeeping organization, SEED, protect the frontier town by rounding up rowdy monsters with your official SEED-issued spell seal. When not on a mission, work with the people of Rigbarth to help the town flourish through farming, festivals, and friendships!
As the balance of peace begins to shift, however, it comes time to prove yourself. Team up with townsfolk and embark on a grand adventure to unravel the mystery befalling the land, embracing your inner-power to halt the descent into chaos!
- Fantasy Farming Taken to New Heights - Tame monsters to serve as your helpful farmhands as you grow a wide variety of crops on the backs of dragons!
- Fast-paced Action RPG Combat - Venture into the vast, vibrant wilderness with friends from Rigbarth by your side to unlock powerful and stylish link attacks that encourage teamwork and strategy.
- Find Your Special Someone - Forge friendships and get to know the eligible marriage candidates of Rigbarth by completing their unique storyline. Fall in love, pop the question and even start a family!
- Relax in Your New Home - Take time out of your adventure to enjoy the gentler pace of town life. Compete in cooking, crafting, and fishing contests or invite your sweetheart to join you for stargazing during one of Rigbarth’s many seasonal festivals.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
In the sleepy border town of Rigbarth, mysterious events are unfolding, affecting the runes that govern the balance between humanity and nature in Rune Factory 5 - Earthmate Edition from XSEED Games for the Nintendo Switch.
Earthmate Edition includes: a custom outer box featuring artwork from series illustrator Minako Iwasaki, the Rune Factory 5 Nintendo Switch game card in an exclusive SteelBook case, a large 5.8” by 8.2” 70+ page softcover artbook, ‘Melodies of Norad’ soundtrack CD featuring 15 songs specially selected from across the entire Rune Factory series and 13 exclusive in-game costumes based on the marriage candidates (+ Dolce’s ghostly companion Pico) from Rune Factory 4!
As the newest ranger for the peacekeeping organization, SEED, protect the frontier town by rounding up rowdy monsters with your official SEED-issued spell seal. When not on a mission, work with the people of Rigbarth to help the town flourish through farming, festivals, and friendships!
As the balance of peace begins to shift, however, it comes time to prove yourself. Team up with townsfolk and embark on a grand adventure to unravel the mystery befalling the land, embracing your inner-power to halt the descent into chaos!
- Fantasy Farming Taken to New Heights - Tame monsters to serve as your helpful farmhands as you grow a wide variety of crops on the backs of dragons!
- Fast-paced Action RPG Combat - Venture into the vast, vibrant wilderness with friends from Rigbarth by your side to unlock powerful and stylish link attacks that encourage teamwork and strategy.
- Find Your Special Someone - Forge friendships and get to know the eligible marriage candidates of Rigbarth by completing their unique storyline. Fall in love, pop the question and even start a family!
- Relax in Your New Home - Take time out of your adventure to enjoy the gentler pace of town life. Compete in cooking, crafting, and fishing contests or invite your sweetheart to join you for stargazing during one of Rigbarth’s many seasonal festivals.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)