Developed by a team headed by the legendary Sawaki Takeyasu and Masato Kimura, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron for the Microsoft Xbox 360 draws players into a rich storyline inspired by events in the Old Testament's apocryphal Book of Enoch.
In the game, players take on the role of Enoch and must harness his natural combat skills to master a range of powerful and Heavenly weapons under the guidance of the watchful Archangels. Only then will he be able to deliver the souls of the Fallen Angels and spare the world from a great flood ordered by Heaven.
- Expect the unexpected. El Shaddai defies gaming convention by mixing a wide variety of game play styles including 2D side-scrolling action and 3D exploration.
- Lose yourself in the compelling storyline based on the ancient apocryphal tome, The Book of Enoch, but told with a modern flare and uniquely artistic approach.
- Innovative 'Zero HUD Player Feedback System' utilizes dynamic environment, character, and audio clues to keep the player engaged without cluttering the screen with extraneous indicators and information.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation:Β Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
Developed by a team headed by the legendary Sawaki Takeyasu and Masato Kimura, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron for the Microsoft Xbox 360 draws players into a rich storyline inspired by events in the Old Testament's apocryphal Book of Enoch.
In the game, players take on the role of Enoch and must harness his natural combat skills to master a range of powerful and Heavenly weapons under the guidance of the watchful Archangels. Only then will he be able to deliver the souls of the Fallen Angels and spare the world from a great flood ordered by Heaven.
- Expect the unexpected. El Shaddai defies gaming convention by mixing a wide variety of game play styles including 2D side-scrolling action and 3D exploration.
- Lose yourself in the compelling storyline based on the ancient apocryphal tome, The Book of Enoch, but told with a modern flare and uniquely artistic approach.
- Innovative 'Zero HUD Player Feedback System' utilizes dynamic environment, character, and audio clues to keep the player engaged without cluttering the screen with extraneous indicators and information.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation:Β Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)