The Digimon World series returns to the west with Digimon World: Next Order from Bandai Namco for the Sony PS4, an all-new adventure and story awaits.
The digital world is in despair. Machinedramons are running rampant and causing utter chaos. The digital world needs your help.
Explore and traverse the digital world to solve a digi-mystery and recruit faithful Digimon companions and meet friends along the way to help you on this epic journey.
- Over 200 Digimon from the animated series.
- Choose between a male or female protagonist.
- For the first time ever in the series, explore the digital world with not one, but two Digimon partners.
- Evolved AI battle system: strong bonds with your partners is key, train your Digimon to excel in AI battles on their own.
- Recruit and integrate new Digimon into the village to expand and evolve it.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)
The Digimon World series returns to the west with Digimon World: Next Order from Bandai Namco for the Sony PS4, an all-new adventure and story awaits.
The digital world is in despair. Machinedramons are running rampant and causing utter chaos. The digital world needs your help.
Explore and traverse the digital world to solve a digi-mystery and recruit faithful Digimon companions and meet friends along the way to help you on this epic journey.
- Over 200 Digimon from the animated series.
- Choose between a male or female protagonist.
- For the first time ever in the series, explore the digital world with not one, but two Digimon partners.
- Evolved AI battle system: strong bonds with your partners is key, train your Digimon to excel in AI battles on their own.
- Recruit and integrate new Digimon into the village to expand and evolve it.
Click here for the Refund Policy
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday - 9am - 5pm MT (Excluding Holidays)